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Privacy Statement

In the context of our services, we collect personal data which we want to handle carefully. Below we will discuss the background and purposes of this data processing, the request for consent, the rights you can exercise regarding this data, the security measures we have taken, the retention periods, specific contact details for information about the privacy policy as well as the consequences that occur if you do not provide or withdraw the requested consent.

Background and purposes of data provision:
If you visit our website to obtain, for example, information about our organization and products and associated costs, you can leave data that is collected. We refer to the cookie statement below. If you ask questions to our organization, for example via the e-mail address, your contact details and the data you mention in your e-mail message will be processed. If you place orders, your contact details and data that you provide will be processed. Orders are part of an agreement between the name specified for this purpose and Nostics, the content of which is determined, among other things, by delivery conditions and the prices stated for this on the website. This permission is requested from you via the application form by ticking the digital position indicated thereon. If you report a complaint about a product, your contact details and the other data you display in your message will be processed.
(Personal) data retained by Nostics are only used for the following legitimate business reasons:

  • Customer and supplier management;
  • Order and supply management;
  • Billing purposes;
  • The provision of information on the products and services of Provider;
  • Technical-commercial information;
  • Dealing with the enquiries and request of customers and suppliers.
  • Dealing with complaints and quality notifications.
  • Communication data (merely to contact someone);
  • Dispute management;
  • Public relations;
  • Statistics;
  • Access control;
  • Security;
  • Other

To whom is the data transmitted or processed?
Personal data is passed on to and further processed by contractors for the processing of the CRM registration, security, marketing, newsletters and digital support for archiving.

What measures has Nostics taken?

  • Privacy by design (evaluation on regular basis);
  • Privacy by default (evaluation on regular basis);
  • Stress test (on a regular basis)
  • Data protection clauses;
  • Log in Protocol and monitoring;
  • Two-factor authentication.

Consequences of not providing or withdrawing consent to data processing:
If no data or incomplete data are provided, the processing of requests, questions, reports and requests cannot be processed or will take considerably longer due to the additional administrative burden and postal traffic.

Security measures:
Nostics has a policy not to ask more about a person and not to process more data about a person than strictly necessary. As a result, it is expressly advised not to provide personal data and, in any case, no medical data about an individual, unless necessary and no alternative is available. Communication about/with data subjects only takes place via e-mail and telephone.

Retention periods:
Any personal data in relation to a general request from a company will be deleted after six months.

Personal data relating to orders will be deleted after seven years.

Personal data resulting from other agreements, agreements and communication are stored in readable form for seven years and then in aggregated form.

Consent, withdrawal thereof:
In the order forms, explicit permission is requested for the processing of the personal data stated therein and for the processing of personal data that become available as a result of and in the context of the application, rejection or assignment thereof. In other agreements, specific agreements are made about data processing.

A data subject can withdraw consent to the processing of this data at any time by sending a concrete request to: A possible consequence is that no further communication between the data subject and possibly the organization representing the data subject can take place. Nostics excludes any liability for any form of damage of the person concerned or the organization that represents the person concerned, for whatever reason.

Questions or requests in relation to privacy (objection, correction and deletion, etc.):
You can address your request/question by sending an e-mail to: to provide a statement of your processed personal data and/or for correction or deletion of your data.
You have the right to data portability and in certain cases the right to be forgotten.
You can submit complaints about the data processing of our organization to the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

If you have any other questions about this statement, your rights as data subjects  you can use the following e-mail address:

Cookie statement:
Depending on the preferences you have set on different social media sites, and your settings on our website, we may collect personal data via cookies or similar techniques, including but not limited to: Your IP address; Your cookie ID; Your web browser; Your location; The web pages you visit on our websites. We use this information for optimalization of the website.

Data breach notification:
We kindly ask you to report the following to us without delay:

  • A suspicion of a data leak in the digital environment of- Nostics;
  • Misuse, theft of your password (and possibly also if you have also used this password at another organization where a data leak has occurred that has consequences for this password to:

Automated decision-making:
Nostics does not make decisions based on automated processing on matters that can have (significant) consequences for people.

Change privacy statement:
Nostics reserves the right to change this statement.

Contact details Nostics B.V.:
Nostics B.V.
Pietersbergweg 199,
1105 BM, Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Tel: +31(0)85 073 7100

KVK 77824180 (Chamber of Commerce)


Last change: 10 March 2023
From: Nostics B.V.  and affiliates
Established at: Delft/Amsterdam

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Nostics B.V.
Pietersbergweg 199
1105 BV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Nostics Inc. USA
1 Broadway,
Cambridge, MA,
02142 United States


Opening hours: 09:00-17:00
T: +31(0)85 073 7100