Ever heard of Shigella? Probably not.E.coli? Pretty sure you have. In western countries, Shigellosis is not often diagnosed, except in travelers. In South-East Asia and Africa however, Shigella is the…
Types of resistance mechanisms and their spread In 1945, the year that he won the Nobel Prize for discovering penicillin, Alexander Fleming warned the world that misuse of antibiotics could…
Antibiotic overuse in animals might even be graver than in humans. In the US, 70% of all used antibiotics are routinely given to healthy(!) animals. And it turns out that…
One can imagine that the Emergency Department is a place where quick decision-making is crucial, but for bacterial diagnosis this very often means symptom-based treatment decisions. One UK-study aimed to…
Nowadays more and more organizations and governments are starting to acknowledge AMR and act on the problem. A few years ago, the WHO also published the priority pathogen list, which…
Over the past months we have posted on the importance of conscious usage of antibiotics in patients. However, besides humans, there is another large part of the problem: antibiotics in the livestock industry. Luckily, with a growing problem awareness governments…
Previously we discussed issues that drive AMR rates and saw that they are rooted in different sectors and disciplines: from lack of diagnostic tools in human infections, to routine use of…